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2023/11/21 18:22:33 GMT11/21/2023 2023/11/21 18:22:33 GMT11/21/2023

?specials on cv? hit me up on the new number

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lHeY GuYS HaZe HeRe BK aT iT aGaiN. iM 3 oFFeRiNG CaRViSiTS & QuiCKViSiTS aSWeLL aS HaLFHouRS & ??HouRS. So aBouT Me:: My NaMeS HaZeL iM 34 YeaRS YouNG iM TaLL 5FT9 LoNG SeXi LeGs, aND a RouND aSS To Go WiTH eM. SMaLL PeRKY TiTTieS SiTTiN HiGH uP. TaN SKiN LoNG BLoNDe & PiNK HaiR HaZeL eYeS. iM NoT YouR TYPiCaL SKiNNY BiTCH eiTHeR THiS WHiTe GiRL THiCK iN aLL THe RiGHT PLaCeS. IM LooKiNG 4 SeRiouS iNQuiRieS oNLY So PLZ DoNT WaSTe eiTHeR oF ouR TiMe. Im PReTTY DoWN To eaRTH LaiD BaCK aND eNJoY a GooD Fu*K. CoMe GeT SoMe oF THiS ???? oR LeT Me BLoW YaMiND WiT THiS ??ToP. i CaN SHoW You BeTTeR THaN i CaN TeLL You So CoMe See Me iLL Be WaiTiNG FoR You. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED

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Price: Not Applicable

Category: Female Escorts

Location: Louisville, Kentucky

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Age: 34

Phone: 502-804-xxxx click to view

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Escort lHeY GuYS HaZe HeRe BK aT iT aGaiN. iM 3 oFFeRiNG CaRViSiTS & QuiCKViSiTS aSWeLL aS HaLFHouRS & ??HouRS. So aBouT Me:: My NaMeS HaZeL iM 34 ... Female Escorts Louisville, Kentucky, United States