2024/01/15 23:01:02 GMT01/15/2024 2024/01/15 23:01:02 GMT01/15/2024
Are you stressed out from a long work week do you need to relax well come see me I can give you a massage and make you feel great you won't be disappointed what a better way to go on to the weekend of the new year. I can be reached at 419-350-XXXX. Available for in and out call whatever your desire. I'm drama free and very discreet with me you never have to worry, and you'll leave satisfied and wanting to come back.?
So call me now and let's make plans I accept donations of 80/100/130.
Looking forward to seeing you soon!
Any and all donations are for my time only! Whatever happens during that time is between two consenting adults. I do not perform sexual acts for money! Therefore I will NEVER entertain that thought.
No drama no pimps no law enforcement
Don't forget to mention you found me on!
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