Absolute indulgence
2024/01/02 11:36:21 GMT01/02/2024 2024/01/02 11:36:21 GMT01/02/2024
You deserve quality service!
All my services are professional, highly skilled bodywork artistically applied!
You get more than what you are investing in. You are out there changing lives or the world and you can't be at your best if you are stressed out tired and unsatisfied.
I am your experienced, well trained tantric, body work, pleasure practitioner sent directly from the heavens yet I've spent time playing in the devil's chamber ( if you ask nicely I can make it hurt so good!) I'm special and get a free pass in between both and you'll never forget this session this I can guarantee!
Perfection doesn't exist but my service is damn close. So if you want to rush me, use me, inconvenience me and go past the ritualistic indulgence. Then you have to pay more because I don't enjoy you the way I would if we just take our time!
I'm available by appointment. Also try have a sense of humor relax and enjoy the ride I'm going to take you on.
Ckiara Rose (Silent C)
Don't forget to mention you found me on OneBackPage.com!
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