To change your life, change your perspective
Why pay for Sex? Reframe your mind, it's free and it works!

This is the first letter in the series i planned. It will litteraly fuck your brain to success. Wake you up to what the world looks like. Next post will be about your mindset, and how you need to look at the world to succeed.
This is the real world, welcome.
Get a beer, soda, coffee, or whatever the hell you prefer. And let's begin. There is a lot to digest.
# Yourself
* **What is a high value men**
* Takes care of his body & mind. He knows what he wants out of life and out of relationships. He is social and has a good sense of humor. He knows who he is, or at least who he wants to be, he has goals, and is constantly striving to get there. He is unapolegethic. Has sets of values, principles, view of world. His own set of beliefs. He acts according to them. And he knows that some of them might be wrong according to some people, maybe he is not perfect, but he realizes that is okay. He is always in a good mood because he trusts himself and he knows whatever happens he is going to be fine. That is core confidence. Having his own reality and living up to it. So, be yourself because that place is not taken yet.
* **One thing women crave**
* Women want attention. Everything they do is to get attention. Use this as a tool to drive them away, or to pull them in. Attention is the currency of female world, another currency is emotions.
* **Emotions**
* Emotions have no place in mans life when he is talking with women. All they want is attention, emotions will make you give them what they want. Be rational, stoicism will help you with this. Never argue with her, if you can’t reply anything nice, ignore her. Don’t let her take control of your emotional state. I don’t say dont feel emotions, just dont react to them. You need to be like a rock. Use lack of attention as punishment, raising your voice and spilling emotions to her will do nothing most of the time.
* "I Love you", let her tell this first. Don't be that guy that rolls over after sex and whispers this in hear ear. I do love women, but love for us is different. You need to stay a challenge, and if you say it first it means she already got you.*“Listen, smile, agree, and then do whatever the fuck you were gonna do anyway.”* ― *Robert Downey Jr*. Be a wild horse, a stallion, running free, never tamed. But let them think they can tame you.
* **Only sexual ones get the girl**
* Only men who are sexual will get the girl, else you will end up in a friendzone. Be upfront, give compliments, touch her, strong eye contact, sexual undertone... Show her you have a dick and a set of fanily jewels. Don’t let her think you are dickless.
* **Getting girl is not success**
* Reaching your goals is success. Women are just a seasoning. Making a bland world much more wonderful and enjoyable.
* **EGO**
* Ego is the enemy. But only if you let it become one. In order to be successful and dream big you need HEALTHY DOSE OF EGO. Not ego in a sense of proving yourself to others or being a little bitch and letting emotions dictate your actions. Let your ego loose sometimes, when you are dreaming big. When you are trying to succeed you need it. Just keep it tamed. Don’t let it destroy you. But don’t kill it completely. *Ego is not always the enemy.*
* **Money & looks**
* Looks give you a permission, a foot inside the door. Good looking men are naturally confident because of their looks which gets them more women. By the way, anyone can be a good looking man. Start lifting, start eating right, get a nice haircut, grow a stuble. And you will look better than 80% of men. Women will tolerate more shit from attractive men. Getting that V taper is important. But it is not quite enough.
* Money makes men interesting. Because girls want only one thing: to have fun. But money alone will get you gold diggers, which you dont want. I dont want them. Money also gives premission to be arrogant, confident, "because he is successful and therefore high value". Or on a mission, driven to succeed in everything he does. Skills you learn while making money, especially sales, are applicable to game. And vice versa. You are selling yourself. Influence is also a money making skill that will get you women. Persuasion also. By making money you automatically get qualities of a high value man: Confident, driven, abudnance mindset, fun, doesnt give a fuck…. Get on a mission, start working towards a goal.
* **In pain is the measure of a man**
* When you are young you MUST do this one thing: indulging in painful activities. Apporaching women is scary? Do it. Fighting is scary? Train boxing and book a fight. Starting a bussines is scary? Start it. Stop wasting your time doing things that make you weak. Wathcing netflix, jerking off, playing video games. You think Muhammed Ali wasted his time to become a world heavyweight champion? Fuck no. He worked his ass off for a goal. And if you notice his demeanour, he had an ego. But used it in a right way. Read that section if you haven't.
* **Produce content, dont indulge it**
* This comes hand in hand with making money, indulging in painful activities, and being on a mission, or having a goal. Stop watching youtube videos and starting making them. Stop scrolling thorugh instagram and looking at girls, approach them. Or grow an audience by providing value in the world instead of just taking value from it. Number one thing that successful people know is the meaning of the word VALUE. If you provide value to the world, you will get money and success in return. Hell, i learned all of this information in couple of years. And you are getting it in one day. I got it by indulging in content for years, experimenting it myself. Lots of this is stuff i read 3-4 years ago, i don't even know where. But now i am producing content and trying to show you what i learned. So, stop wasting time, start creating.
* **Being with beatiful women gives you a slight edge**
* Being with extremely beatiful women changes who you are. It gives you this drive and passion. Women are amazing creatures. I completely disagree with the whole mgtow thinking or whatever. Yes, women are different. But STOP hating them, start loving them and accepting them for what they are. They are nature itself. Now, you can go for average girls, sure, 5s and 6s. But once you start being with trully beatiful women, the whole world will change for you. You will know what i am talking about once you start dating them when you read all my upcoming posts ;)
* **“I am enough”**
* Every battle is won or lost before it is ever fought. Sun Tzu said that. Stop thinking you need to be an “alpha” to get hot girls. Your frame is: “I am enough.” Your frame is NOT “I’m a badass alpha who’s better than everyone”. Eliminate self-destructive beliefs. Stop the though as soon as it pops in your mind. “i am scared”---- “BEEP! Feeling scared makes me excited and pumped with adrenaline. I am so much awesome right now!”.
# Women
* **What do women want in a man**
* A high value men. Read the whole post and you will get an idea who that guy is.
* **Women = emotional, men = logical.**
* Women are also attracted with “body”, men with “mind”. That is why kino is so important. Everything that woman does comes from place of emotions. If she doesnt feel like going to the gym, she wont go. But a man knows “well i feel like shit but i have to go to the gym” and goes to the gym. Drama, shittests, crying. Those are all about her emotional state. And if you try to solve it with logic you are wasting your time! Remember that. Never argue with her.
* Judge by actions not words. Girls are emotional, and what they say and do is not always congruent. They are not logical beings. Realize that. They act on their emotions. Obviously this is overgeneralized but in most cases it is true.
* A life line consists of flat line, than upward and downward spikes, than again a flat line. This is what women want! They want their emotions to go upwards & downwards, with occasional flat lines. As i said and will say, one thing women want is fun. By being fun and making her feel emotions you are speaking their language. You are sparking her emotions with spikes. You speak the language of gina tingles. Remember that. On the other side is being boring all the time, flat lining, which is the language of virginity.
* **Perfect is boring**
* One of the greatest lessons i learned. Never try to be perfect. Thats it. Perfect date, perfect time to kiss her, perfect hairstyle. No. Dont be perfect it is boring. Be fun and dont take her so seriously. Perfect is boring, being human is wonderful.*” Are you trying to PERFECT yourself when it comes to women or are you trying to HUMANIZE yourself that you find interacting with women as natural as breathing? “*
* **Women want a complete package men.**
* Charming, funny, successful, inteligent… Not perfect!! Human but successful. Women dont want a gym rat, or rich, but fat men. Some do for one night stand or to take his money. But real and good women don't.
* **Mystery & intrigue**
* Mystery and buliding an intrigue is what makes that hamster wheel spin in her head. The longer she thinks about you the more she will like you. So dont answer every question seriously. Play games. "Lie" about your job. Say you are an astronaut, and never tell you where you actually work. Let her brain think about it. Be mysterious.
* **Nice guy vs a jerk**
* Imitation is suicide. Nice guy absorbs the opinions of others to please them, or to avoid conflict. Extreme masculinity is jerk. Not afraid of his own sexuality and testosterone. Having strong opinions. Not the ones he heard on TV or someone else put in his brain. No. But ones that he himself formed. He is a train never going off tracks. Use the nature, nature has given you balls and a dick to approach girls. To be a man. Lead, laugh, have your own way. Fortune favors the bold. And bold we shall be. Increase testosterone. Get on a sports team. Train. Socialize. Approach hot women. Todays asshole is a man who knows what he wants and is upfornt and blunt with it. I want sex, therefore i am sexual. He is a leader, he is unapolegetic. He realizes he is a man living his life. And he will not let anyone tell him how to live it. It is his own life and he only has this one.
* **Women dont know what they want**
* Lead. You need to tell them what they want. IF you have a strong frame, stronger than girls frame, you will do just fine. Be a man. Act like you have answers. What is a strong frame? Fundamentally, it’s a sense of certainty in everything you do. Try testing this while texting. Write messages so she has a clear answer to write. “How old are you”, “We are meeting for a coffee tommorow”, “Do you have whatsapp”… Give them instructions. Be a leader. Show her the path. Dont let her lead, she does not know what she wants.
* **How a beatiful women sees the world**
* Wake up, 100 unread messages on instagram. 10k likes on my picture, 1000 comments saying im beatiful…. Oversaturated. She is overwhelmed with what she wants, attention, therefore she is overwhelmed with boredom. Every guy tries to do the same thing. Trying to show off and get her attention. They put her on a pedestal. They think she is something to be won. So they act like James Bond, trying to be smooth. Not realizing she is just a girl. And what do girls want? Thats right. FUN! Make it challenging, make her laugh, you want to be like a wild horse. Instead of drooling because of how beatfiful she is, look at her separated from her beauty. Talk to her fat and ugly friend instead of her. Nobody does that, they all go for her, trying to be James Bond. She is so beatiful that only drunk guys approach her, because only they have the courage. She gets an overdose of attention and validation, which leads her to boredom. There is also a "halo effect" in psychology, the more physically appealing person is the more we project perfect life about said person. So, we automatically think she is perfect. Men think she is a goddess, she is always pretty. But remember, she takes a shit in the morning, she shaves her legs and armpits. Deep down she is silly, little girl, she is like a child. Like the rest of us. Looking to have fun with someone who is relaxed and open. Someone who realizes all of this.
* **You can judge a woman by how she treats those who will do nothing for her**
* Improtant thing to realize. This will reveal true nature of beatiful girls. Watch how she treats ugly men who provide no value to her. Judge by action, not words.
# World view
* **How world works**
* Women love sex as much as men do. They need it. But society made them think they are whores for it. You can see this when talking to them. First reaction after you say something sexual is girly laugh and then the social switch comes on and she is all like “omg not me i never like to be bent over a table and fucked silly.... wow not me”.
* As men we are supposed to be players. We are supposed to know how to get women, and we are praised if we do know how. That is why many men don’t open up, don’t want to learn game. Because they lean towards the society side that says you should alredy know all of this.
* Society tries to tell girls that guys with flowers, expensive dinners, giving compliments every few words, being overtly gentleman, kiss goodbye at the end of a date… are guys who they should be with. But their core wants the asshole. One who takes what he wants. They want the “alpha” because that is what millions of years of evolution told her. Only in the last couple hundred years society tries to deny that part.
* Sex is wonderful. Eveyone loves it. EVERYONE. It is natural, beatiful and everywhere. You neighbours are fucking right now probably. If 2 people like eachother sex is natural thing that is supposed to happen next. Don’t ever judge people that hookup. Ever.
* In todays day and age to get girls you need to show her that you are alpha and you want sex. You are sexual man. But you also need to appeal to societal norms. And show her you don’t judge her. Be unapolegethic about your sexuality, and not judgmental of other peoples sexuality. Never brag about sleeping with women, because it is a natural thing. You never brag about showering, or eating. Because it is natural. Then you become the guy who girls just get used to. He is just like that, very sexually open and does what he wants. Disclaimer : Girls will also try to bind you, they will want to be “the one”. They will invest in you. Beta males will also want to shame you. Dont give a flying fuck.
* **Mens purpose is to pass the genes as much as possible**
* This was our purpose throughout history. To reproduce. Once you show girls you are alpha they will want to keep you. But if they turn you into beta, you were not alpha in the first place! Catch 22 for you there. Trying to make you jealous, shitests, those are tools to test you if you are alpha or beta. They want attention, they will tell you be more available, be with only me, do what i tell you to do… but secretly they want you to never listen to her. And be who you are, being a challenge *always*. I am not saying they want to be treated badly, im just saying they want a man who does not make her #1 priority and does everything she says. Those are tests to see if she can do whatever she wants to you. Lines in a sand. If you dont pass them, she loses respect and leaves you. So, never get butthurt, never go out of your way to please her, dont take her too seriously. Show her that you have a strong frame of mind and you will not tolerate her bullsht.
* **Love**
* Love is beatiful. I hate when men dont realize this. Love is one of the things that makes time on earth worthwile. But love is not uncoditional. You should fall in love, but be ready to cut women off instantly if they don’t respect your boundaries or respect you. There are plenty of fish in the sea. Relationships should always be the result of abundance not a result of scarcity. And you can love 10 girls at the same time, who am i to differ.
* **80/20 rule, why you dont get hot women**
* 20% of the men sleep with 80% of the women. This is true. High value man have abudnance of women. This is why you need to get in that upper eshalon of men. Those 20% of guys. If you live in a small town you know this already. There are some men who get tons of women while others never touched a girl. This is the truth. And women go for that 20% of men, why wouldn’t they? Wouldn’t you do the same thing?
* **Men are born with no value, women have value proportionate to their hotness**
* Men are born with a blank paper, and on that paper you need to draw yourself. Create perfect version of you. Some men never realize this, and their paper is a horendous picture. Women on the other hand are born with attractive body, huge tits, ass, and hourglass shape. This is their value to the world. And they can usually bend it however they want.
* **Wake up**
* You should begin to see that most males are wimps who bend over for groupthink and refuse to stand straight with their own conviction. Real men are rare. Be one. Decide.
Just an FYI,By reading this you are ahead of other people already. Most men think they are Casanova’s. They are not. We are all learning. By being here you are litteraly amongst the rare 0.01% of the world that have this information laid out. I could sell this for a lot of money to be honest, some people write less than this and call it a "program". And this is just one part of the letters!
*(feel free to follow me on instagram - @ captainmorpheus - i have a* *simple guide for getting laid from texts* *that i posted, check it out).*
P.S. Do 20 pushups. **Action call** is to read this post more than 3x times. And understand it. Think where this information would apply in your real life. Think about a man you want to be.
P.P.S. I will be more than glad to write another letter if this interests enough people