Marijuana Blowing Facial: Homewrecking Smoking!
Marijuana Blowing Facial gets nasty when goes to a party and starts smoking with them! She then seals a husband from her friend.
This Marijuana-Blowing Facial Would Make Him Cheat!
Who doesn't like getting high and having fun? Honestly, I think everyone has some bad habits that are sexy as fuck. I was over at a friend's house when something dirty happened. I always come over to her house and blow down. Today things got heated up when she left me high in the room with her husband! You all know I can't help myself when it comes to husbands! I am the most enticing homewrecker. This marijuana-blowing facial would make him cheat!
So there I was heading over to my friend's house in my cute sweater dress that was super short. I thought she would be the only one there I was so wrong. She had her husband and his friends over. They planned on having a BBQ I was invited to come but didn't know it was a BBQ yet. I pulled into their driveway and noticed there were many cars there but didn't know things would soon heat up! When I get high I get so horny! This marijuana-blowing facial would make things get extreme and so close to getting caught!
I walked into her house and saw there were people everywhere I went over to Tracy and asked " What's going on?" She said that her husband invited all his friends over for a cookout. She grabbed at my arm and told me about how she needed to smoke did I have any? Of fucking course I do! When do I ever go anywhere without it? Do I go anywhere without my bag of goodies? After that, I pulled out a gummy and pushed it into her mouth to chill her the fuck out. I yelled out to everyone the smoke sesh would begin I was there! Her husband came running over. Read More.